Sunday, 13 May 2012

Smoked Wild Boar

Ingredients (5 persons)                 Preparation
2 L
Salty water
Marinate wild boar in 10% salt solution overnight in the fridge
1 whole
Wild boar
Prepare barbeque
1/2 tree
Mango leaves
Add sand to base of smoke pot
Add fresh mango leaves on top of sand

Add meat ontop of barbeque

Close lid and wait till meat is well smoked
Suggestions for Serving:
Accompanying dishes: barbequed potatoes & sweet potatoes & fresh salad.
Preparations for serving: Eat meat with your hands.

The first thing you need to organise is some wild boar.
If you cannot find any, pork meat will have to do
though it does not taste as good.

The next thing you need is a qualified pig smokin' specialist.
Meet Jeremy - the latest candidate to attempt the Entebbe Boys
professional admission exams, with this recipe.
Good luck Jeremy!
Here he is,arriving with his specially purchased
aluminium smoking pot.

First, set up the BBQ.
For instructions on how to build one, click here.

Add sand to the base of the smoking pot.
It's best to use clean sand to avoid taste contamination.
More on this topic later...

Add freshly picked mango leaves on top of the sand.
They will provide the smoke needed for this recipe.

Add the grill, and check that your lid fits ontop of the smoke pot.

Add the meat.
Note that the meat has marinated over night
in a 10% saline solution in Jeremy's fridge.
Here is Hans carrying out the tape worm inspection.

The barbeque master starts the fire at 17:00 hours.

Three hours later there is still no sign of any smoke...

Another hour later... still no smoke...
Will Jeremy will fail the Entebbe Boys
professional admission exam?

Jeremy instructs the barbeque master to add more charcoal
and pump up the volume of that fire.

It worked!


Jeremy demonstrates the safe way to remove the lid.
(EBB Disclaimer: Do not do this at home!)

The meat is ready - and smells very nice indeed!

The smoked mango leaves are full of fat, and catch fire...
A very dangerous moment!

There are no pictures of us eating the meat.
Here is what is left of the mango leaves.

The next day we study the damage to the aluminium pot.
We recommend that you use a cast iron one instead!

Should we accept Jeremy as a member of the Entebbe Boys?
Please leave your comments below!

The votes so far:
Finland, France & The Netherlands - YES
Germany & Belgium - NO

The Entebbe Boys have noted the comments of the international community.
Thank you for your contributions.
We have asked Jeremy to give a final statement,
before deciding on his membership.
Here is what he said:

Jeremy 18th May 2012 - Having never written on a public site before it is with some trepidation that I put pen to paper.

As Malvolio said in Twelth Night "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." I find myself thrust into the midst of a challenging election campaign to become a member of the Entebbe Boys. Like "Gordon of Khartoum" (thanks for the comparison) I will maintain stiff upper lip until the last. I too must pass through a veritable gauntlet of dissenters. Poor old Gordon did not make it, but with a "cunning and devious plan" - I may yet prevail.
The Greeks likely believed they were welcome in the European Club for the long haul, so too until sadly reading the above comments I thought I belonged (to the Entebbe Boys), but the concerns of my Northern European "brother" and his interests for regulatory control/health and safety are noted, albeit they may bar my future aspirations.

I must away and generate support from whoever or wherever it can be found".  .......I will be back!
Anyone out there please help !


Sunday 20th May 2012: Thank you for your statement, Jeremy.
The Entebbe Boys will reach a final conclusion soon, European style...
For those of you who have not yet seen the comments - just click on "comments" below. 

Sunday 27th May 2012: The Entebbe Boys were just about to close the votes and declare a draw, when we noticed that Jeremy does have at least one family member who is willing to vote for him!

Congratulations & welcome to the Entebbe Boys, Jeremy!!!
Your next assignment (should you chose to accept it) is Fried Garlic Squid...


  1. Jeremy has demonstrated self-control in critical cooking events. This is the sign that he deserves the Entebbe boys membership. I therefore vote "yes" to this online referendum.

  2. I think this is not in line with health and safety standards. Jeremy put himself and his cooking colleagues in a dangerous position. It does not look like he is mastering the situation. Therefore I would vote no. More practice and training is required here!

  3. I think you need a thermo-dynamic engineer in your team. Without having tasted any of the dishes, from a technical point of view, the last one has proven to be badly designed. A "one pan dish" doens't mean that you need to have a new pan every time you make the dish. So: "No"

  4. Of course I am of the opinion that Jeremy should be admitted to the EB society (or is it a brotherhood?). He has as far as I am concerned earned a “Mention in Dispatches”. The quote then should read something like:
    “In the face of adversary difficulties and under pressure of inadequate support of available material, the (officer) showed an intrepid and gallant conduct to accomplish his mission.”
    General Gordon of Khartoum received a similar MID. He did not succeed either, but was decapitated. I hope that you will spare Jeremy of a similar fate. Apart from the absence of a good recipe for Jeremy.

  5. If this voting is open to everyone out there on the world wide web, then I vote Yes! Jeremy is a brilliant cook, his best dishes being fried garlic squid and another favorite is lemon kidneys!
    Just to note though dad--are you using newspapers instead of oven gloves?? definitely a hazard! and where is your other Personal Protective Equipment? i.e. apron? goggles? B)

  6. Alas!!... My gmail account can let me comment on this blog for Entebbe Boys....I voted for Jeremy long before i could even put this down. Glad he is part of the group though i request that my vote is counted...hmmmmm!!!!
